The Miracle Tree: Moringa Oleifera

As an herbalist, all plants are special in my eyes but occasionally I come across a plant that truly inspires me and gives me hope in a time when hope can seem harder to fi nd. The moringa tree AKA tree of life is truly miraculous in that a person could live by simply consuming that one single plant. Although I wouldn’t recommend eating one food as a habit, it could keep you alive in the unlikely event that you couldn’t get to any other food which speaks to its incredible nutrient content. It is the most nutrient dense plant and has more protein than any plant discovered to date. Moringa is truly a super food and medicine. The typical American eats “food like products” which do not serve as anything more than to fi ll our stomachs and contribute to chronic disease. Our agricultural practices further deplete our soil of nutrients so even if you think you’re eating healthy, our vegetables are far less nutritious than they were even 50 years ago. I would go as far as to say 99% of people are defi cient in vitamins and minerals due to the way our food is grown and our sad American diet.

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